"Thought breeds thought; children familiar with great thoughts take as naturally to thinking for themselves as the well-nourished body takes to growing; and we must bear in mind that growth, physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual, is the sole end of education." ~ Charlotte Mason

Monday, January 12, 2015

My Winter Wellness Recipe

For the next four weeks I will be taking part in an online retreat called:  Hibernation by Beauty that Moves. It's a time to gather yourself and renew, viewing winter as a season to refresh rather then one of drudgery and boredom.  The lady, Heather, who designed this lovely place of retreat encouraged us to come up with our own Hibernation Wellness Plan.  I had already put some thought into this as my word, sow, for the year had me thinking about this concept of hibernation and how I would encapsulate my word throughout this winter season.  A while ago I came across this quote by Ralph Ellison, "Hibernation is a covert preparation for a more overt action."  That sums up this time for me.  A time of preparation and restoration, a quietness of the soul to reflect and prepare.

I carved out the time in the morning to make myself a cup of tea, sit down in solitude and journal my wellness formula into my commonplace notebook.  It was simple, and I needed it to be that way.  I really feel like this time of refreshing shouldn't be about strict goals and impossible solutions but simple and full of times of refreshing.   So here it is; simple, uncomplicated.  I may not get it in every thing on my list every day, and that's okay too.

~ drink plenty of lemon water throughout the day
~ Walk our lab for 30-60 minutes a day
~ go to bed early
~ quiet reading time in the morning
~ make time for art
~ eat nourishing foods
~ enjoy writing

My Winter Wellness Formula and commonplace notebook

Lemon water and nourishing food.

Spend time walking with this sweet girl.

take time for art and writing

Quiet Reading.

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