"Thought breeds thought; children familiar with great thoughts take as naturally to thinking for themselves as the well-nourished body takes to growing; and we must bear in mind that growth, physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual, is the sole end of education." ~ Charlotte Mason

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Thousand Gifts

As I mentioned in my last post, Ann Voskamp's challenge to us about giving thanks every day has affected me deeply. I feel changed. The Lord had been speaking to me about being thankful for a while now, so when I heard Ann's message I knew the Holy Spirit was using her message as a confirmation that He wants me to give thanks each and every day. I had purchased a journal a few weeks ago, it's beautiful and I wasn't sure what I wanted to put in it. As I read A Thousand Gifts I decided to use the journal to write out my thousand gifts. Over the past few days I've written down the things I am thankful for and I feel my heart swelling as I talk to my Saviour about all the blessings in my life. I've never been an overly negative person but what I didn't realise was how much I was missing out on the small moments of praise with my Lord. I'm learning to talk to Him in a different way and a few times have been overcome with joy as I seek out that which holds wonder and gratitude throughout my day.

I also realise that you can experience a 'high' after a weekend such as the one I just had and it's easy to feel motivated but what I love is that by doing the Thousand Gifts - keeping my list each day, I'm allowing the Lord to work through what He has spoken to me about. I hope to teach my children by example and love how to give thanks in their life for the gifts the Lord gives us.

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