"Thought breeds thought; children familiar with great thoughts take as naturally to thinking for themselves as the well-nourished body takes to growing; and we must bear in mind that growth, physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual, is the sole end of education." ~ Charlotte Mason

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This past week

I started my detox diet this week, it's going well. I started out with a liquid diet for five days and have now added vegetables and fruits back for the next five days. I'm starting to feel so much better. I had suspected that I could quite possibly have some issues with gluten like Graham. This was a sure fire way to get off foods I may be allergic to or sensitive to. The first couple of days were rough, I was craving coffee and sugar the most. BUT I felt so much better by day 4. I had been feeling like I had arthritis in my knees and was alarmed because I am only 36 years old! By day 2 the symptoms were much better and by day 4 they were completely gone. I've been taking care to get more rest and have reduced my responsibilities and stress levels. I have also stopped having familial tremors for the time being. :) I'll be adding an exercise routine in to my life at some point in the next few weeks but I'd like to loose a bit more weight before I do that. All in all I am feeling better about how things are unfolding. I hope to be feeling stronger, physically, so I can have enough energy to bike ride and play with my kids. I like to be outdoors with them come spring and summer. We enjoy nature walks, bike riding, swimming, taking walks - all that good stuff but I was feeling sluggish, not rested and stressed out, I have a feeling the spring will see a more rested, energetic me! :)


  1. Hubby has started the detox as well and we even bought a juicer. Looking forward to getting healthier! Thanks for all the info you passed along :)

  2. You're welcome! I would love to get a juicer, it's really healthy to make your own juice. :)

  3. You're an inspiration Cindy :) I'm not sure how I would live on juice for 4 days. By the way..that photo you've got up there belongs right on the cover of a SL catalog!! So neat!


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